Frequently asked questions

Do you have tours during the whole year?

Yes, our tours are held during the whole year and you should just apply minimum one day ahead.

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Is it possible to organize tour in some other term than offered?

Our tours can be organized in any other term, not just in regular ones. The price of tours in other terms is different comparing to regular ones.

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Can children go to Belgrade Underground Tour?

Of course they can. We have organized tours for great number of elementary schools and kindergarends.

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What is minimum number of people for realization of the tour?

For each tour minimum number of people is 2. It is also possible to go on private tour (for 1 person), but one person needs to pay double ticket.

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Is it possible to organize tours in other languages beside English and Serbian?

Yes, it is possible to organize tours in various languages in accordance with the requests of clients. Price depends on language of the tour.

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